Just reread some of my journal. I have o much more to include from the last year … plus yesterday’s entry. I am debating whether I should forward this to my Mom. I know she is hurting about what transpired … another disaster. Poor Al, he said “Well things come in 3’s.” I thank God for him everyday. Without his support I have no idea where I would be?
It seems to me sometimes that the majority of the world is so busy fighting with each other that those who are truly doing evil things are getting away with so much.
Like there isn’t enough to fix in this world, that we should waste our time on where we are allowed to smoke, what age we should be able to have our first drink, picking up dog shit, what you can do in your own back yard. Do you know you have to pay to get permission by the government to cut down a tree in your own backyard? And believe it or not they have finally lifted the restriction of hanging your cloths out to dry.
Every day we are being told more and more what we are allowed to do and not do. Meanwhile cancer now occurs in 1 out of 3 people compared to 1 out of 33 not so very long ago. And the drugs that are said to cure you are really killing you in the end. And the owners of the pharmaceutical companies are getting more and more powerful every day, peddling more and more of their so called cures, which also by the way us good sheep are donating to THEIR cause … which if you happen to do some investigating has been THEIR plan all along.
So ironic that today, Al and I would listen to Alex Jones, a man who many think is an absolute kook, because he is so desperately trying to get out the truth … and God Winks of God Winks, who is he interviewing, but the very Dr. Horowitz who I wanted my Mom to learn about. He is a very respected doctor, who has the real truth about many of the cures that are out there that have been hidden from us because it’s not good business for those pharmaceutical companies.
How many people will have to suffer and die before we even dare to look at the truth?
And people are concerned about me. I know how Alex Jones feels. You just want to lift up your hands and cry. Why, why, why do people get angry at him for trying to get the truth out there?
Why are we fighting each other and not working together on solutions?
All the solutions are out there but if we don’t even take the responsibility to look at, to research, to come up with our own opinions, and just believe what the CORPORATE media brain washes us into believing then in the end you will have to live with your own conscious.
We will see our children suffer needlessly.
Right now we should be rejoicing that the truth is finally coming out and will because in the end the only truth will be the truth.
So as God is my Witness, I will swear never to go along with a lie. A lie only perpetuates another lie and now that I have been witness and have investigated so many of the lies, I was DUPED into believing, it would be a sin for me not to stand up for what I truly believe in.
May 3, 2008
We are off to Chinatown. Too bad we were looking forward to all going. Anyway don't know what to say. Obviously you don't want to hear it anyway ... lol. Hope you are enjoying your visit. You left your glasses here?
Lesa, Al and T2
Hi Mom,
What do I not want to hear? Perhaps what you are telling me are the same things that have been told to me too many times and these things are not the truth. I am frustrated. Every time I give any information that someone prefers not to hear then I am made to feel like I am the one in the wrong. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. I make my opinions by investigating and looking at facts. Perhaps it is not always what I had originally thought and if so I change my mind. I give facts to my family and they can't even look at the possibility? Why?
If you dare to think about the past and analyze some of what has happened to our family and do so honestly perhaps you will see that I have many reasons to feel hurt. I have been told I am mentally unwell, not believed when I go through rehab and am told I don't have a problem with alcohol, how I am to live my life (does anyone have the right to tell anyone how to live their own lives?)... well I could on and on ... it wasn't even a year ago when not one of my family would let me even in their house. Why? I should not feel hurt about this? You were there. You were the only one there. I have tried not to hold this against those I have always loved. They were misinformed. However, since then it seems we have only grown further apart.
I am very happy now. I have never been happier in my life. I have a partner and a mission in life and Tee. We have lots of dreams and they are coming true. I don't need anything else. I was hoping that my parents would understand and be happy for me and understand some of my hurts. I am sorry if I have hurt you. That has always been the furthest thing from my intention. All both Al and I wanted was to have a wonderful time with you and include you in our dreams and share some of the information we have. How this became so misconstrued perhaps was because of too much wine. With too much wine sometimes the truth comes out. But if we can't talk truthfully then perhaps it is best if we just be nice to each other and avoid talking about anything. It's up to you.
We are busy painting this weekend so can not make it to Janet's BBQ. Perhaps right now is not a good time to get together anyway. I sincerely hope one day that we can mend some of the damage. We once were a family who stuck up for each other. I hope we can do this again with true love and compassion.
Love always
Lesa, Al and T2
Wow Dulce,
Do you believe in syncronicity? Anyway to have heard from you yesterday has so many strange coincidences!!!
What a beautiful website you have made as tribute to your husband. I am very impressed. I read through our email correspondence last night and at the time you didn't feel you had computer skills. Look how far you have come!!! I can not even imagine how difficult these times must be for you and you have produced some beautiful art through it. You are very brave.
Wow ... to tell you what has gone on in the last year is very difficult to do. It has been a year of many downs and ups. Rain to begin with and now I find that I have never been more blessed in my life. After a very difficult period my life has turned around completely.
I have met my soul mate. His name is Al LAL and we have a beautiful little dog, Tee. We are back living in our own home on the very same street, only a few houses down from where I use to live. It was also my dream to move back here.
Both Al and I have the same mission in life. We are currently educating ourselves and slowly building a website. We have the site secured: www.worldofworth.com and the blue prints ready, and have been working on the contents. Right now we are studying Flash. What program did you use to create your website? It is very clean and artistic at the same time.
Anyway to let you know why it was so coincidental to hear from you, I was thinking only yesterday I should try and get in touch with you because we have been planning to move to Mexico to open up an internet cafe and also build our web site there.
There are lots of reasons why we have chosen Mexico and have found through our research that Merida would be a perfect location for us.
I was astonished to see your address previously as living in Merida? One of the main reasons that we have chosen to live there is because of the universities. Did you son study there? Wow ... I am still a little overwhelmed on what a small world this is.
I have come to learn that God gives us synchronicities for a reason... though I am never sure what the reasons are but now I am even more confident that everything happens for a reason. Both Al and I pray every day and you and your husband will be included in our prayers.
I look forward to hearing from you ... you have very many interesting projects I would like to hear more about. We are planning on being in Mexico sometime in September. In the meantime it would be nice to stay in touch.
I already have a friend in Mexico. Sometimes life is very cool.
p.s. we need to learn Spanish too ... how do you say goodbye
Take care
Your Canadian friend
May 3, 2008
Another day yesterday filled with co-incidence. Unbelievable, many will think unfortunately. There really is a Higher Power that points us in the right direction if only we can BELIEVE.
Yesterday, once again on Alex Jones was another truth seeker who confirmed that Al was directing us to the truth. Since I have been with him he has never wavered on what he knows deep down to be the truth about what has transpired in the world. As he said, he is no historian, or bible expert, but he knows how to read into things. So when we hear someone who confirms so many of his beliefs with absolute proof I am certainly a BELIEVER.
Anyway, that part of the story will be left for later because now I must first deal with my own mundane problems. I asked my Higher Power for a message this morning about how to deal with the hurt I am feeling regarding my parents. I am very concerned about what others are feeling and also very confused on how to deal with it.
So I prayed and was told pick up your journal Lesa. It’s time now to finish that part of your life.
I also know that there is a good chance that no one will be able to “hear” what I am trying to say. But I am going to at least try to get some points across. Perhaps one day I will be understood?
May 3, 2008
We are off to Chinatown. Too bad we were looking forward to all going. Anyway don't know what to say. Obviously you don't want to hear it anyway ... lol. Hope you are enjoying your visit. You left your glasses here?
Lesa, Al and T2
Hi Lesa
I don't know what to say either! You don't want to hear it any way.
I guess Al was right it did turn into another disaster. Tell him I apologize for that as I was determined not to let it. I should know better then to drink to much wine.
We will stop on our way home and pick up our glasses. That should be next Monday.
love Mom
Hi Mom,
What do I not want to hear? Perhaps what you are telling me are the same things that have been told to me too many times and these things are not the truth. I am frustrated. Every time I give any information that someone prefers not to hear then I am made to feel like I am the one in the wrong. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. I make my opinions by investigating and looking at facts. Perhaps it is not always what I had originally thought and if so I change my mind. I give facts to my family and they can't even look at the possibility? Why?
If you dare to think about the past and analyze some of what has happened to our family and do so honestly perhaps you will see that I have many reasons to feel hurt. I have been told I am mentally unwell, not believed when I go through rehab and am told I don't have a problem with alcohol, how I am to live my life (does anyone have the right to tell anyone how to live their own lives?)... well I could on and on ... it wasn't even a year ago when not one of my family would let me even in their house. Why? I should not feel hurt about this? You were there. You were the only one there. I have tried not to hold this against those I have always loved. They were misinformed. However, since then it seems we have only grown further apart.
I am very happy now. I have never been happier in my life. I have a partner and a mission in life and Tee. We have lots of dreams and they are coming true. I don't need anything else. I was hoping that my parents would understand and be happy for me and understand some of my hurts. I am sorry if I have hurt you. That has always been the furthest thing from my intention. All both Al and I wanted was to have a wonderful time with you and include you in our dreams and share some of the information we have. How this became so misconstrued perhaps was because of too much wine. With too much wine sometimes the truth comes out. But if we can't talk truthfully then perhaps it is best if we just be nice to each other and avoid talking about anything. It's up to you.
We are busy painting this weekend so can not make it to Janet's BBQ. Perhaps right now is not a good time to get together anyway. I sincerely hope one day that we can mend some of the damage. We once were a family who stuck up for each other. I hope we can do this again with true love and compassion.
Love always
Lesa, Al and T2
Hi Lesa,
You are right in many things; also there are things that you see in a different hue. I do not want to get into any long discussions with you because that is where we run into trouble.
Our biggest concern is your safety and happiness--- believe it or not.
We love you very much and will continue helping you as long as you need our help. I truly believe one day we will all be happy together again.
Please keep in touch with your family even if it is a few lines on the computer once in a while.
We will see you soon. I took your shoes by mistake.
We have more bad news --Pats husband Hugh died yesterday morning, I am very concerned for Pat as she has been through a very bad time.
Hello to Al and T2
Love Mom and Dad
Hi Lesa:
It’s been a long time since the last time we were in contact.
Not much has happen since then. It’s been really hard for me to get my life back again. But I’m still trying.
Last April 30th was the first anniversary of my husband’s past away. I made a web page to remember him. I’m sending you the electronic address so you can visit it and say a pray for him with me.
Write to me and tell me what has happened with you this last year.
Dulce Ma.
Wow Dulce,
Do you believe in syncronicity? Anyway to have heard from you yesterday has so many strange coincidences!!!
What a beautiful website you have made as tribute to your husband. I am very impressed. I read through our email correspondence last night and at the time you didn't feel you had computer skills. Look how far you have come!!! I can not even imagine how difficult these times must be for you and you have produced some beautiful art through it. You are very brave.
Wow ... to tell you what has gone on in the last year is very difficult to do. It has been a year of many downs and ups. Rain to begin with and now I find that I have never been more blessed in my life. After a very difficult period my life has turned around completely.
I have met my soul mate. His name is Al LAL and we have a beautiful little dog, Tee. We are back living in our own home on the very same street, only a few houses down from where I use to live. It was also my dream to move back here.
Both Al and I have the same mission in life. We are currently educating ourselves and slowly building a website. We have the site secured: www.worldofworth.com and the blue prints ready, and have been working on the contents. Right now we are studying Flash. What program did you use to create your website? It is very clean and artistic at the same time.
Anyway to let you know why it was so coincidental to hear from you, I was thinking only yesterday I should try and get in touch with you because we have been planning to move to Mexico to open up an internet cafe and also build our web site there.
There are lots of reasons why we have chosen Mexico and have found through our research that Merida would be a perfect location for us.
I was astonished to see your address previously as living in Merida? One of the main reasons that we have chosen to live there is because of the universities. Did you son study there? Wow ... I am still a little overwhelmed on what a small world this is.
I have come to learn that God gives us synchronicities for a reason... though I am never sure what the reasons are but now I am even more confident that everything happens for a reason. Both Al and I pray every day and you and your husband will be included in our prayers.
I look forward to hearing from you ... you have very many interesting projects I would like to hear more about. We are planning on being in Mexico sometime in September. In the meantime it would be nice to stay in touch.
I already have a friend in Mexico. Sometimes life is very cool.
p.s. we need to learn Spanish too ... how do you say goodbye
Take care
Your Canadian friend
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