Sunday, January 2, 2011
June 5th, 2009
Hi Mom and Dad,
How was your visit with Jean? Hope everyone is well and happy.
Well the excitement never ends here. I am borrowing a computer at the Gateway Community Church right now. Al and I are staying at the shelter not far away from where we were living and Tee is getting a little vacation at the doggy day care.
Well it seems Gary Skinner (Rowan ... the first lie he told us) is quite the con man. I will make this short but we had to get the RCMP involved. Rowan has locked us out of the house with all our possessions inside and has confiscated our money, and all our business supplies, computer, work we did, etc. The police will go with us to pick it up. Hopefully nothing is damaged.
The RCMP told us we have to go to the Tenant's board and take him to court to get our money back plus get the money from expenses we have incurred because of his actions. I am not sure how long this will take?
Rowan also called social services and told them that you lent us $600 for June. Now social services needs a receipt from you saying that you lent us $600 for June while we were waiting for our cheque.
Besides this everything is set with them. We will get $780 a month starting July (don't know if they will take the loan off though). There are apartments we hope that will take Tee and we think maybe we can get one for $450 a month so with social services, food bank etc. we will be fine for money once this is resolved.
Also things are looking really, really good with our business. I will send you are new site where we are downloading our movies. Al has three appointments set up and I am going to see a career councillor with social services. They offer courses on starting your own business and I think both Al and I can take them and work on our business while we collect social security.
Thank God we are out of that house. It was like living with a ticking time bomb.
Anyway I will let you know more about what is happening later today or tomorrow. But the main thing is we are meeting some very good people and are safe, have shelter and food.
There is a fax here I can use. If you could fax us over a paper, or if you have a copy of the cheque, saying that you loaned Albert Lal $600 and the date we have to bring this to Social Services asap.
I will check emails later today or tomorrow am.
Let us know how everything is going.
bye for now
lesa, al and T2
I will send you a fax this afternoon. I am sorry once again things did not work out for you. As long as you are safe and well I will keep that in mind and try not to be to upset.
Bye for now
love Mom and Dad
Hi Lesa
How are you this morning?
Did you get the fax I sent? Will we still be able to send you money? $780.00 is not very much to live on!
How are you paying for the doggie Day Care?
I will be so glad when you are settled and have your own place. It is always very difficult to live with someone else. Maybe you are too trusting. I think you will have to be more careful with who you get involved with.
When you find an apt. what will you do for furniture?
Did you get your things from the house yet?
Let me know what’s happening.
Love Mom
Hi Mom
Sorry we were not able to get in touch with you earlier. Did not have access to a computer. Anyway want to let you know not to worry. Everything happens for a reason. This is one thing I know for sure.
You are right about being too trusting but with Rowan we did not have an option and when you are in a desperate position this is when these type of people take advantage of you. It is very dangerous being poor.
Rowan used us and when we were finally able to get on our feet and have the ability to move he went ballistic. Anyway we are out of there with some major inconveniences mind you but we are out of there. We could have ended up as his last 4 wives did ... in the mental institution or worse. Anyway we have kept our sanity and sense of humour and it's made us stronger and more determined to make it out here.
Through this ordeal we have met some wonderful people. We finally have a community that looks out for each other.
We are staying at the Gateway Community Church.
There is only one apartment (which was supposed to be used by someone else) but they made arrangements for us to stay until we can find a suitable place to live or camp. Dogs are not allowed to stay at shelters so they also made arrangements with the Chewed Slipper (our store front ...small world) to keep Tee and we will pay them back when we can.
Tee is having a great time at the bed and barkfest and being professionally trained to boot! They love him and can't get over how smart he is and brave. He has gone through a lot. But I think he likes the excitement ... lol.
The staff at the church found out that I love to decorate so while we are there Al and I are redoing the shelter so it is more homey for those in need. There is a huge professional kitchen (the church does functions) so Al has been having a great time cooking.
We went to their service yesterday and met lots of great people and the staff and volunteers are fast becoming good friends.
We have contacted Social Services and they can not help us with money. We will have to wait until the beginning of the next month for our cheque. Because Rowan called and told them about the loan I have a bad feeling this money will be deducted from our next cheque.
Also contacted the Landlord and Tenants board and basically Rowan does not have a leg to stand on for locking us out and he will be liable for expenses and will have to give us our rent back but how long this will take is anyone's guess.
We still have not got our stuff out but the Pastor is making arrangements to get us a van and will have someone come with us and the RCMP to move safely. We are praying Rowan is not so stupid as to do any damage to our things because if he does he will end up in jail. Probably where he should be anyway.
Finding an affordable place to live here is not easy we have heard. After this email I am spending my day looking for a place of our own. It is too dangerous boarding with a stranger and you have no security.
Our big dilemma right now is that we have no money once again. This is so frustrating. If this didn't happen we would have been finally on our feet and I hate like hell to ask you once again but we will need to borrow some money. I am not sure how much. Most places need first and last. If we get our full social security the $600 you offered us will help greatly.
We will go to the food bank and they also help out when you start in a new apartment. All we need is a place to rest our heads and a desk to work on. If we can just get this business started there is no doubt that we will be on our feet in a few months. Even my counsellor from social services seems excited about our business plan.
If you could lend us $200 just to have some money in our pockets to get around for the next few weeks by then we should know what our financial picture is.
I know we can stay at the shelter for one more week. If we haven't found a place by then we have the loan of a tent. There are camp grounds not far from here and I think we can camp for $15 a day and that will get us all the facilities we need. Sounds like fun actually.
The community center allows us to use their computers from 9 to 4 on weekdays so we will come each day to check messages. We know the manager of this facility who also happens to be the manager of the church facility. He is great and has been a Godsend in helping us get on our feet.
Guess I have written enough for one day but I want you to know that this time I have a very, very good feeling that things are finally going to settle. We just need to get over this hurdle.
I will check for your email tomorrow and also let you know how the apartment hunting is going.
bye for now
lesa, al and T2
It's me again. Of course we will lend you money. Do we send a check in Al’s name?
Dad and I want to continue sending you money every month but do not want you to get in trouble with social services.
Love Mom
Hi Mom and Dad,
It's me again. Back at the community center. Just read your emails. Thanks so much for all your help. The best time to call would be in the evenings. We are not suppose to answer the phone but Kay said if someone needed to get in touch with us to tell them to ring once, hang up and call again. If we know what time we will wait by the phone.
Al right now is meeting with the social services career counsellor and I am checking out apartments and have to fill out the form from the Landlord Tenants complaint office. Cost $26 to submit it though unless we are on social services. So hopefully we can get our stuff out of the house soon as all my papers and documentation are locked up there too. We were hoping to get it over with today but I think the Pastor is leaving at noon so it will probably have to wait until tomorrow.
The predicament that Gary put us in is unbelievable and he is fully aware of all his actions. Calling social services was a vindictive act and the most unbelievable part of this is that we helped him from the day we arrived. He was in a sorry mess. The place was a disaster which we cleaned up, painted etc. Started a business for him and this is what he does in return. Some people are very sick. He will die a very old lonely man ... just as we found him.
Did you fax the receipt to the church? We did not receive it. Social service knows the circumstances but has to abide by all their rules. If Gary didn't call there would have been no problem. Any money you lend us in future would be best to be made out in my name and I will cash at the Money Mart. The account for social services is in Al's name and I am just a dependent. So as long as it doesn't go through a bank account and no one rats on us there shouldn't be a problem and the worse that can happen is that they deduct it from our next cheque. We are allowed to make extra money.
If there is a problem faxing the receipt maybe you should send it in the mail with the loan. The last time you mailed us something got to us in a couple of days. If you wouldn't mind mailing a couple of dollars along with the cheque this would be great. Just in case we need bus fare. Everything else we either have or can live without. The $10 you sent the last time came in great use.
Anyway it is a beautiful day out here. Elections are on and everyone is praying for a new government. Kay cleaned out the deep freezer in the food bank and we now have about 20 lbs. of shrimp, sausage, and chicken to cook up. It was freezer burnt but I know we can make a great jambalaya with it. We are eating like kings and queens. So much for my diet.
Keep your fingers crossed about that apartment. It is situated perfectly for us and I don't think we could find a lower rent out here. Also brand new and I love tiny places. Am dreaming about decorating our new home.
I'll be around here for a few more hours so will check to see if you get a chance to email us back.
bye for now
lesa, al and T2
Hi again,
So much great news to tell you!!!
Al just came back from Social Services and nothing but positive news. No problem with you guys lending us money and it will not come off our cheque. As long as it is not business income they are not allowed to deduct. So we are doing everything legal because we don't want any problems any more. Ha ha to Gary. Shame on him.
Also they want me to go to school for digital imagining and for us to work on our business!!! I have an appointment on the 19th of June to find out all the details.
They also have art classes at the community center here and I can sell my art. This place does very well. This is one of the only places for seniors to come to and you guys would love it. They have all kinds of trips, and big card games. At least 30 organizations who rent this place out. We have met nothing but wonderful, helpful people here.
Anyway I will save some news for tonight. but I think that is for now.
Just remember ring once, hang up and call again.
bye for now
lesa, al and T2
My husband and I are relocating to the Sackville area from Toronto. We are looking for immediate accommodations as currently we are staying at the Gateway Community Church Shelter due to some unfortunate circumstances. We come with excellent references and are reliable mature adults who have started a new business venture. We have guaranteed income source. Also we have a small lhaso apso who is extremely well behaved and adorable. Have not met a person yet who has not fallen love with him. He also comes with reference from The Chewed Slipper to attest to this fact. Your place looks ideal to us and is in the perfect location. We currently do not have a vehicle. Please let us know if you would like to meet with all of us to see if we would be a good fit.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Lesa and Albert Lal
Hi Carl,
Thanks for your reply. 500 sq. ft. is perfect for us. We love small quaint places. It would be great to meet with you. Please let us know what is a good time. We are available nearly anytime except tomorrow a.m. We look forward to receiving your email letting us know what time is good and where you are located.
bye for now
Lesa and Albert Lal
Hi Mom and Dad,
Doesn't this place look perfect! Keep your fingers crossed but I don't see why not. We may need you as a reference. So can you please tell them we are nice, quiet peaceful people ... lol ... because we really need to have all three of us back together in our own space.
We have made arrangements with a new friend from the church to take us over tomorrow morning to get our stuff with the RCMP there. Hope this is the last of the drama. A nice peaceful summer would be greatly appreciated. It would be great if we could get to see some more of Nova Scotia and especially the ocean. There are 50 tall ships coming into the harbour this summer. Hope we can find a camera by then because we would love making a beautiful movie of Nova Scotia.
It was scampi we had yesterday! I haven't had any since Montreal and it turned out to be the best scampi pasta ever. Today Kay is getting us some rice and we will make the Jambalaya for the crew.
Will be busy painting and redecorating for the new shelter tenants moving in on Monday. If we don't have the place by then camping now for a couple of weeks could be just the vacation we need.
Will keep you posted if down payment required etc. and the further adventures of Lesa, Al and T2.
Bye for now
lesa, al and T2
June 11, 2009
Hi Mom and Dad,
Decided to make the Jambalaya tomorrow after the painting is finished. Al and Cathy are painting now and I am just organizing our stuff!!!! P.S. Cathy's husband is from Two Mountains. We had peanut curry chicken instead last night.
We went with the police and a new friend to get out stuff this a.m. The police went in. He had taken everything out into the shed and threw it in plastic bags. Tried to keep some computer equipment but the police got it out for us. He did keep all our food, plants, etc. Besides that we are breathing a sigh of relief to have everything else back. A change of clothes will feel great.
We are going over tonight to see the apartment. Don't see why if will not be a go and everyone here says it will be perfect for us and is in a great location. One of the women that volunteers here lives right in front of the place. Nice to live a small town.
Will let you know how it goes. Tomorrow will finish painting and have to go to social services so hopefully I will be able to email you. If not I will on Monday.
So how are your haircuts? Anything new?
Relieved and happy to be in beautiful Nova Scotia
bye for now
lesa, al and T2
Hi Mom and Dad,
Well the good news first....
The place is absolutely gorgeous and perfect for us. It is much bigger and brighter than it looked in the pictures.
Carl is checking our references so it looks like we will get the place! I will use you as a reference because we told him you were helping us out financially until our business gets off the ground. Also told him that social services are helping with schooling, etc. so we will not have a problem financially. We have references from the people from the Church and the Chewed Slipper (where Tee is staying) so it shouldn't be a problem.
Now for the bad news. Your cheque did not arrive today and we are absolutely broke. We have to leave Monday and we were planning on arranging to get a few supplies for camping as it looks like we will have to camp out for a few nights anyway. Also I think the camp grounds charge $15 a night.. Am checking.
Would it be possible to wire us the money instead and we will rip up the cheque which hopefully will arrive on Monday. I am so tired of money problems and I know you are too.
Anyway let me know. I have the use of the internet for a little bit at the Church but will go to the Community Center around 3:30 if I haven't heard back from you.
I think this will be our last hurdle for sure.
bye for now
lesa, al and T2
Hi Again,
You should see the decorating job that is going on here. We should have filmed it and sent it off to one of those decorating shows. Talk about shoestring budget and difference.
Anyway Dave offered to lend us $20 and I know this is a hardship for him. No one here with their cheque info. Most of the staff are off Friday and Monday. So direct deposit does not look like a solution right now. But I am checking with wire info. On the internet it says it should only cost $18. $75 is a rip off that is for sure. I will check more and see how it works. I think you can even do it by phone with your credit card. I would wait for the mail on Monday but I am worried that it won't arrive because I just noticed I gave you the wrong postal code and I know that creates problems and has to be hand sorted. Stupid me. The postal code is B4E 1G3.
Don't want to have to sleep in the park again if possible. It has been raining cats and dogs here.
Can't wait to be settled in our new home. Looks like we got it from his response. There is even room for you to visit plus a big yard. We miss Tee being around. The people at the Chewed Slipper said he is doing well though. Probably harder on us, especially Al.
Anyway I will keep on checking and get back to you.
I have the use of the internet all to myself now as there is no one in the office.
bye for now
Our bill is getting bigger and bigger.
Hi Mom and Dad,
Great news!!!! We got the place. Now we just have to find out when we can move in. Carl has not had a chance to talk to the current tenant but maybe it can be as early as this coming weekend but most likely a week from then.
He came over yesterday and met Tee and liked him too. We are so happy. Wait till you see it. It has just been renovated and everything is new and fresh. We feel like we finally now have a fresh start on life too. Everything is working out perfectly. Not only do we have a roof over our heads but since the community heard of our situation there has been so many offers of furniture and stuff to get us started off. Tomorrow a few guys are getting a truck and picking up and storing for us here at the church until we move in. So far we have a bed and a brand new futon, end tables, pots, pans, dishes and who knows what else. Can't wait to decorate.
The people here are awesome. So many new neighbours we have met who love to help and in many cases we are not even aware of who they are. It is very humbling and beautiful.
You will have to come for a visit here one of these days and come to a service. As one of the gentleman we met yesterday said you couldn't pay $100 for a concert and get the same entertainment you do here. And everyone does it for the joy. And it that doesn't get to you we also passed by a place with slot machines!
Also your envelope came today. Now we need to borrow another $600 for rent and $600 for damage deposit. I want to make sure that we start off on a very good foot and pay him as soon as we sign the lease. So if you wouldn't mind mailing asap to this address here with the right postal code we should not have any more money problems. Now that we have a permanent address Social Security cheque should arrive at the beginning of next month.
I am meeting with the career people on Friday and keep your fingers crossed for me that I get approved to go to Digital Imagining School. It will also be great for our business if I have some kind of degree and I have always loved going to school.
Can't wait to use the community center. They have art courses and I can get back into yoga. I also can put my artwork up for sale. With all the connections we have made and now that we are part of a community should be no time at all that are business ventures take off.
I'm going to load our new brochure on motion box so if you wouldn't mind checking it out and letting us know how it looks. We talked to the computer guy at the community center and he said that if the movie was jumpy, etc. it is because the internet connection is not strong enough.
Al's doing yard work and cooking up some fresh haddock for the guys and I am just going to pack up. Not quite sure where we will be camping but will check in at the community center for your email.
Hope you had a great weekend and let me know how everything is going in good old Laval West.
Bye for now
lesa, al and T2
Hi Lesa
That is good news. We will send the check asap with the right postal code. Don't tear the check that you got today up and don't cash it. Could you put it away in a safe place and keep it for emergencies only.
I think it is a good new start. The people there are good people. SLOT MACHINES! You almost got me there LOL. Just kidding of course we will visit you one day.
Have a good day! Bye for now
Love Mom and Dad
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- Al’s Baptism Speech
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