June 25, 2008
Please come by and see me today.. I will wait for you until 6 pm... this is rather urgent..
Please come by and see me today.. I will wait for you until 6 pm... this is rather urgent..
Aicha Saludares
Branch Manager
Kingsway Branch
3022 Bloor Street West
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1C4
Ph: (416)231-2257
Fax: (416)231-8232
'A referral is a big responsibility...it is also the biggest compliment a client can give me and it is never to be taken lightly. I pledge to treat everyone that is referred to me with the utmost level of respect and professionalism.'
Hello Aicha,
We have another family emergency and must go out of town today. I would like to have this matter resolved as soon as possible. I am awaiting a substantial income tax return which will be used to pay off any of my debts when received. Exactly when I will receive this money is uncertain as it is taking longer then originally anticipated. We are less than one month late for our mortgage payment and until we receive this cheque we will be another month late.
We have been in contact with real estate agents as we are planning on selling the property as soon as possible and relocating. We realize that financing our mission here in Toronto is impossible and therefore have decided to give up our dream of doing so. The properties in our area are selling very quickly and the value of our real estate has gone up substantially since we purchased it. The bank will therefore be reimbursed and I will be clear of any and all debts in the very near future.
Dominic thoroughly checked out my financial history and references before I purchased this property and will confirm that I have had an excellent credit rating along with excellent personal references. My credit situation has changed in the last six month which is due to unexpected circumstances that have come my way. He would not have referred me otherwise. I also considerer a referral a big responsibility.
We will be returning after the long weekend bar any other emergency and will be happy to meet with you if you required.
Please let me know how we can work together on this situation. I sincerely wish to alleviate any stress that these circumstances have dictated.
You immediate attention in this matter is greatly appreciate.
Thank you very much for responding. By now , you have probably received a letter from the solicitor requesting for payment ($4786.99), proof of fire insurance and proof that your property taxes is up to date, it is to your best interest that you contact them immediately and make a payment right away.
I have also received a letter from your fire insurance company that it has been cancelled, you need to get that reinstated immediately, for it is part of the condition of having a mortgage with BMO Bank of Montreal.
Your case has been forwarded to the solicitor Rubenstein Siegal (tel 416 499 5252) and you need to call them and make arrangement with them.
Lesa, regardless that the property value has increased, and the property in High Park is selling quickly; if the mortgage continue to be in arrears, the Bank can start foreclosing procedures immediately.
I will be here in the office until 4 pm, I will wait for you. I suggest for your best interest to make this as your priority.
Aicha Saludares
June 30, 2008
What does life mean to you?
This was my message, painted on a school wall while sitting under a tree, licking my wounds. My first thought was love, and then I though some more and all I could think of was freedom. Without freedom we do not have love.
What are we fighting for now? This prison planet or what do we have to fight for in order to free ourselves. This date last year I was fighting to free myself from the tyranny of so many things:
My family
My freedom from the mental institution
The freedom to use my voice
I am still working on freeing myself.
It has been a year of learning more and more about how I am imprisoned in this world.
It has been a hell of a week. Trying to free ourselves from financial ruin every step of the way. One bomb after the other. Each one leading me to something I have been told not to fear.
And that is fear itself. And in my mind I tell myself I know there is nothing to fear but my heart is beating faster and faster. My blood pressure rising. It is fight now or flight. I am running on adrenaline now or I will fall. I am trying so hard to fly.
Free as a bird. But everywhere I turn I find out I am confined.
I am caged like a canary in a coal mine.
Dominic dropped by two days ago. He got a call from our bank manager who was very concerned. Guess she thought we had flown the coup, literally and we’re walking from our home because our mortgage payment was a couple of weeks late that month.
My God, imagine this was so detrimental to the bank. Oh, what I have learnt about banks, and all their bush shit. I understand their logic; but the logic of people who work for these institutions absolutely confounds me.
I am trying very, very hard not to just give up. It is ludicrous. How many people are so complicit in enslaving themselves and everyone around them. The people in power don’t have to lift a finger. They will get their slaves to do it. And what is so confounding to me is how gullible people are and actually think they are doing a good job.
Good job? Sending a threatening letter from the LAW threatening to start LEGAL proceedings unless the BANK receives every single penny they have stolen from me, plus let’s not forget the taxes. This is a sin and make sure you have insurance to boot, in case some accident happens, and they will suffer some loss, because you see, they own you and everything you thought you owned. Look it up. Look at the law. And to add a cherry on top of the cake they are charging me a $40o legal bill to send this letter.
So I say to myself. Where is this evil coming from and the only answer I have, and the truth, the absolute horrible truth is that it comes from people like you and me who think we are doing a good job because our bosses, who we are not allowed to question, will be happy.
Ironically I read in the newspaper BMO is starting lay offs. 150 employees or should I say human resources. These corporations whose employees fuck their fellow man, in order to be a good employee.
Don’t even get me started on comprehending how some ever so diligent employee decided to have me investigated for fraud. Because I assume, who knows the intelligence on this one, that for some reason I am 2 weeks behind in my payment, on a property that is very desirable (houses in our area are selling like hotcakes, and have gone up at least 10% since I purchased it) and I am skipping town. Guess I am just going to leave this income investment for the bank. Very intelligent of me.
And this shows how duped some eager beaver employee is thinking. This is what we do to each other.
How in the world can we win over this new world order if this is how we are treating each other?
And this cause me
We have nothing to fear but ourselves.
And now I am licking my wounds because there has been a lot of fighting going on in my own home. Stress, I assume is the culprit. But once again I find we are fighting each other.
Dave Icke, coincidentally just said love is the greatest emotion, violence is the least. And there has been fighting going on here. And I am licking my wounds and trying to understand why we enslave ourselves and use violence against each other.
Mainly because when we express ourselves it is so very hard for some one to take.
So I will leave this journal entry, with a saying that has stuck in my head for years. I don’t know why? But it is important for me to say.
If you love someone
Set them free
If they don’t come back to you
There were never yours
And it is about
Even if you don’t love me anymore.
Hi Mom
This is insane. The attached emails give some of the story. We were basically less than one month late on mortgage when this procedure started. The bank is very serious. We have complied with all their requests. At the last minute they have pulled our financing and it looks like our options are as follows.
A) Sell the house this weekend (there has been good interest and we have very interested party coming tomorrow). The real estate agent knows this property will be sold as it is excellent income property for the right person. However, to sell in one week is a very long shot.
B) Rent our floor by weekend fully furnished and we live in basement. We can get over $3000 a month for it. And with 1st and last we would have funds to cover most of arrears. Once again to do this by Monday is a very very long shot.
C) Someone lend us $10,000 and we will make arrangements to pay back as soon as possible including 10% thank you fee. The money would be reimbursed using either option A or B or once income tax refund is here which will cover us.
D) Walk away and lose everything we have worked for. We will come out with nothing.
We are contacting everyone we know to see if the above is of interest. Please let me know if you are interested or forward this to anyone you know who may be interested.
If anyone is interested in options A or B the address is 276 High Park and is listed on MLS. Our real estate agent is working on a brochure which shows the property and I can forward once available.
As we are cutting our expenses to minimum we have cancelled our phone so the only way to get in touch with us is through email.
Saying a prayer would also help to. Have been running from one appointment to the next but I am checking my emails whenever possible.
July 2nd
Hi Mom,
Looks like we have a little reprieve.... Wow ... this is insane. Anyway, the lawyer is giving us a bit of time and we have the house up for sale. Will be very, very busy in the next few weeks. Open house on Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
lesa, al and T2
July 4th
Hi Caroline,
Glad to hear life in Shitiack is wonderful. Not sure if you are checking your email on vacation but wanted to let you know before you arrive home and find FOR SALE sign on our front lawn,
Due too circumstances we have to sell house asap. When we see you we'll explain details.
Having open house on Sunday. Not sure if you will be back by then?
Enjoy that beautiful beach and hope the trip home is smooth.
Bye for now.
Lesa, Al and T2
Hi Lesa -
Just checked my email when I sent you the rest of the rent money. I have to say that I feel very sad and almost sick to my stomach at your news. Talk to you when I get home which will be sometime Monday afternoon, I think.
Take care,
July 4th
I just receive a voice mail from the law office stating the $500 payment is not sufficient. The office is now closed, I strongly recommend for you to find more funds to bring the mortgage up to date.
Please let me know on Monday what is happening.
Aicha Saludares
Hi Lesa and Al
We are very sorry you are in such a mess! Right now we have a house full of visitors and we are on our way out.
We don't know how we can help but we will try and think of something.
Remember we love you and we will keep on praying!
Love Mom and Dad
Hi Aicha,
FYI yesterday we were going to set up insurance policy but need to get money from our bank account first. When we went to the machine our bank card was not working? When I go online i can not transfer funds? This happened once before because the bank cancelled card due to fraud in area and our card was targeted. This happened about a month ago and I have new card.
The day before Al had attempted at 3 different bank machines to get money. All machines were empty. Fourth attempt he withdrew some money. Perhaps this is why?
Anyway we are headed to bank to rectify situation and also to Cooperators to reissue our policy and then to accountant.
See you later this afternoon.
Lesa and Al
Hold off in faxing any documents. I need to discuss a few things with you. I would need to see the information first hand so that everything will go smoothly.
Please come and see me as soon as possible. Email me what time you will be at the branch so that I can make myself available.
We are open until 6 pm today.
4 Sale
I am sitting in my rocking chair in my tiny sun room. A favourite place of mine. Contemplating all that has transpired in the last week. I know this is my real job right now.
Al insisted also. Even though there are a million and one details to take care of. I must let some one else take care of those. At this moment I have bigger fish to fry then to allow this crazy system to get me in a tizzy. And it has at times, it has. Now is the time for me to reconnect with my higher power and mother earth. Here in my little sun room I am surrounded by nature. Bird’s chirping, grapes growing on vines, squirrels eating them.
A clear blue sky. I don’t remember the last time I didn’t see one filled with chem trails. At this moment I am at peace.
Al and Tee just joined me. We also need this time to reconnect. With all the bush shit going on we sometimes are kept apart. It is important to remember that our biggest responsibility should be to each other. But sometimes this message gets lost.
Instead everywhere I look, I see, instead of looking after each other we protect corporations that have no souls. Corporations that use and abuse their power and take away our souls through fear. And this week I saw the power at its finest. It’s most hideous. It’s most ridiculous. And I absolutely refuse to give into the fear that we have been taught to fear.
That they have the right. I will no longer fight and just lay cards where they may lie. After all I have no control over these insidious institutions. I am not responsible for a corporation. I guess this was my message this week.
Let go. Go with the flow. I can enjoy the ride or I can try and swim against the tide and every time I do I have a very bumpy ride and feel like I am drowning. So today I will write away the messages that are my responsibility to get out.
It is up to you to HEAR all I can do is write the messages I have been given. And pray that you will not want to shoot the messenger once again.
So to continue from the last journal entry.
So much frustration. I am not sure where to start. Perhaps with our bank manger, Aicha, who I do sincerely feel thinks she is doing a good job in order to keep hers and is honestly trying to help and is living in fear of her corporation; the good old Bank of Montreal.
Imagine we feel we have to capitalize these entities. I always wondered why. Now I understand. They are looking for your respect, and unfortunately from everything that has transpired they have got it.
I suspect after Dominic left our place he gave Aicha a call. What transpired during their conversation I can only guess? But it woke her up. And she did understand that she had insulted one of the banks best customers (Dominic) and as she told me a referral from a respected customer is a responsibility. So I am fairly certain that despite all of her good intentions she really did lose sleep for a few nights.
And I also suspect the reason why was because she did not understand where her true responsibilities lay.
Right now I feel so drained. I am trying to recall just exactly what happened.
Took a little break to help with putting this place together before the open house tomorrow. All plans are now going at full speed. There is no longer any time to waste. We are following the messages loud and clear.
So we met with Aicha. What day now, I am not certain? Everything is such a blur. We went in, in a way felling like we had to eat crow? Like it is expected of us to not say a word of the truth because if we do get angry we will have lost control. We must hide our feelings at all times. We are not allowed to feel.
Right now I realize anger will only get me in the end.
Aicha was trying to be very helpful. I could see her wheels spinning. Looking for options that maybe we had. Not too many she tell us. Only one thing we can now possible do and this is sell this house immediately before the vultures come down and get their prey.
So we called the lawyer, who Aicha tried to justify really does have a heart??? We explained how we were waiting for funds. We were already planning on putting the house for sale and were doing our utmost to be good LAW abiding citizens. Threw a little true drama into the situation. I made promises of showing the absolute proof that there are funds coming in that will cover our last 2 weeks mortgage and this month to boot which by the way was all the truth.
Why do we have to pay all the expenses then? Insurance, renovations, upkeep, taxes, etc, etc. etc and if you are two weeks late in your mortgage they threaten to foreclose on your home! A big question in my mind and should be in yours too.
Well the lawyer was going on vacation next week, and what she said to me was send me proof and then she will see what she can do.
Her assistant would look after it.
A reprieve. Or so I thought?
In the meantime Aicha referred us to a real estate agent. Whose office is coincidentally half a block from the bank. I have learnt this is no such thing as coincidence. Please forgive us if we now feel a little untrustworthy against our fellow human beings.
Anyway from my first impression of Oscar was that he certainly knows what he is doing. He is a triple diamond real estate broker after all so he must know what he is doing.
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