Thursday, January 13, 2011

December 17, 2007 WINTER SOLTICE


Hi Mom and Dad,

We just wanted to update you on our finances and let you know what we are planning on doing.

Have sorted through all our expenses and have eliminated those unnecessary ones (i.e. Cable Television, donations).  Also have done all the paper work in order to come up with as much cash as possible (locked in RRSP, cashed in life insurance policy, etc.).  In the next few months we should have approximately $20,000 coming in.  Not to mention what Tee pups can fetch (lol).  Also, we are looking into social assistance. This could help us with training, i.e. web design, and medical expenses.   Should know what we are eligible for shortly.

What we would like to do is keep this house which is an excellent investment.  Example: a house on a street not as prestigious as ours or as large or as nice as ours was listed for nearly $1,000,000 and sold within a week.   Also, we would like to renovate the garage and this can be used as either a B&B, (excellent income from this) or Al and I could live in it and rent out our apartment, (along with the other 3 apartments) which furnished could bring in approximately an additional $3000 a month.  So we would net at least $1500 after expenses.  This would also increase the value of our property which I am sure will be much more than the initial $20,000 investment.  We were in touch with Dominic (he sold us this house and really is an angel).  He thinks this is a good idea and also is a real estate mogul... so he knows.  Also it was his idea about converting the garage.  He is well aware of all the legalities and the income potential.   He would have kept the place but is too busy building luxury condos in Puerto Rico

By doing this we will be able to devote our time to our mission, the web site.

We want to tell you how much we appreciate the financial assistance you have offered us and yes we need it right now and for a while just to get over the hump and not have so many worries.

What we are going to do to make sure that there is security for everyone (who knows who else may be in desperate need) we are going to put your name on the house as co-owners.   That way you always have an apartment to live in when you decide you don't want the responsibilities of a home (the garage, once converted, will be a beautiful place to live in and very easy to manage) or you have additional income.  Whatever we make after expenses we would like to share.

Once again, thanks for all your help.  You guys have always been life savers.

Lesa, Al and T2


Hi Mom and Dad,

We just couldn't wait to tell you the news!   Looks like our family is going to have some new additions!

Remember I was mentioning to you that we had met a neighbour who has a little Papillion.  The co-incidences (or as we call them God Winks) are many.  She is the sweetest thing (of course next to Tee ... lol).

*  They are both black and white (like Al and Me)

*  She is slightly older than Tee (2 yrs. old) and Tee is 8 months (so an older women .. like me and Al)

*  She is short too, and

*  French decent, like me;

*  not to mention a Papillion (butterfly ... which we collect in memory of Beverly

*  Her human Dad has the same birthday as me!

*  They live on the same street as us.

*  She has a black mask and also has the same black marking on her back as Tee  (will send you pictures).

*  Both of them haven't been fixed and have no offspring (like Al and me)

Well this seems to be a match made in heaven (like Al and me) so all parents are eagerly anticipating a perfect marriage!

We are looking forward to being grandparents and this will make you great grandparents for the first time!

We are arranging for the nuptials sometimes in the spring (the timing will be perfect).   First though, we will ensure that they are well matched.  Arranged marriages should be consented by all parties but we have a feeling from initial meetings this will just be a formality.

So if everything goes according to plan Tee just may save the day once again.  We are sure the puppies will be priceless!

Of course, as any proud parents, we'll be taking lots of pictures, and keeping a journal.  What a perfect addition to our web site also!

God winks again.

Love ya guys
Lesa, Al and T2

Hi lesa and Al and T2
I just love your story the god winks are there.
I see you have been doing a lot of thinking and planning. It all sounds very exciting and we wish you a lot of luck with your plans. Good Girl!
Did you have a lot of snow? We sure did I haven't seen this much snow in quite a few years.
What are your plans for Christmas? Did you put your tree up?
Love you Mom and Dad

Dec 19, 2007
Hi everyone
It was a very difficult day I guess you really can't prepare yourself for some thing like this.
We were able to spend some time with Martial and say good bye. There will be no funeral -Martial's wish was to be cremated and for his ashes to go in the lake which Louise will do in the spring. We stayed the night with Louise.  Many people came by and there were lots of tears. Louise’s sister and brother in Law have gone with her this morning to make arrangements. Then her sister will go home with her and stay as long as she needs her. The sister lost her husband a year and a half a go so she can sympathize with her.
Needless to say Louise is in a bad way and is very afraid of the future as Martial was her whole life. But she is strong and still young she will be fine.

Dear Mom and Dad,
We are so sorry to hear about Marcel passing away.  I will call you later.   Please give my love to Louise. Also I would like her address.  There are some pictures I would like to send her.
Yesterday another God Wink.   Opened the cupboard and what is there but the first scrapbook I made, with a picture of Beverly and Marcel, both cheering, staring me in the face.  I know they are watching over us.
Lesa, Al & T2

Dear Lesa
I hope they are in heaven watching over us - and there is one more -- Jack Knaggs died early this morning in Barbados, he was there for the holidays and we were to spend New Years with them. He had a stroke on Tuesday and was paralyzed on one side and wasn't able to speak, so it might be a blessing that he is gone, so he didn't have to suffer.
Also Norman Brown died last Sat.
Blanche sent e-mail from Barbados; Barbra and husband are visiting Susan and that they all said tell Lesa Hi.
Talk to you soon
Love Mom

Hi Mom and Dad,
I know they are up there somewhere.   Too many God Winks not to believe.  Not to suffer is a blessing.  Jack will be dearly missed.  Imagine the crib games, Jack, Jack, Marcel and Beverly are playing now.  How is Gloria doing?   She is a strong lady.  That's one thing I know for certain.  

Al wanted Dad to know that he is also watching over us.  Unpacked more boxes.  It was like Christmas for us all.  The last box I unpacked was all the family photographs.  So now Al has the portrait of Daddy on the bed table overlooking us.  Though he did put him face down last night.  

We put up the Xmas village.  It looks beautiful.  Will send pictures.

Also of Tee.  He had his first date yesterday.  Candy (mother in law) is a dog breeder.  She is thrilled to know Gizzie will be having Tee's pups!  

I was just looking at Barbara's facebook site on the internet.  If you see her in Barbados you must tell her about our web site.  Both her and Peter are big in the Arts.   I think they would be interested.  Anyway give my love to everybody in Barbados and we are dreaming of taking a trip there one of these years.

We will call later.  Hope you guys are bearing up to this difficult time.  Wish we could be there with you.

Lesa, Al and T2

Hi Lesa
We spoke to Eve and Gloria last night, they are holding up really well. You are right Gloria is a very strong lady. The funeral will be on Monday and he will be buried very close to Bev and Jack.

Martial didn't want a funeral and his children are very upset about that as they feel they need some closure. Dad has told them they are welcome to come here and we will have a little get together and a good cry together. They will come tomorrow so Pizza and Wine.  It is Red for Martial!
I am very happy for T.  I bet he is going to have a lot of fun!
Don't forget to send pictures!!!!!!!!!!
Hi to Al and T2
PS I hope Dad's picture doesn't give Al nightmares (L0L)

Katie sent you a message.
Re: loonie bins
Hey girl.  Are you telling me that you are in jail at moment?
I barely escaped this possibility recently myself.
And yes, if you call people in our society mentally healthy...well, that's about the most insane thing I’ve heard yet.  Seems to me the people I meet in the psych ward are saner than anyone outside!  Yes, I am still there...been 2 months now.
At moment I am in Sault Ste Marie visiting with brother, Lee-Anne and their two little ones - age 3 and 1.5 years.  Fun Christmas.
Hope you had a fun Christmas where-ever you are and wish you a peaceful and joyous new year.
Love, Kate

Hi Carol,
We've been enjoying our home this Christmas.  There is always something up so have been pretty busy.  

Saw Janet earlier this week and asked her to organize a date when as many of us as possible can get together for the holidays.  Thought we could do pot luck here.  Would love to see the kids.   It seems like ages.

Anyway trying to put together a little Xmas album of Tee's first Christmas.  Will send it to you once it is done.

Let us know what's the best date. 

Give everyone a huge kiss and a hug for me ... and enjoy the holidays (meaning take it easy and don't stress ...)

Lesa, Al and T2

Hi Denis,
Just wanted to make sure you knew we haven't forgotten about you.   It's been a while and things of course never go according to plan ... lol.  Anyway we have lots more ideas (cringe).  Just not on flash yet.  Have put some ads up looking for graphic and web designers.   Hopefully we will get some response soon.   Realized the project is just too big to do it without more help.  Your help has been invaluable.

Hope you are enjoying the holidays and not working too hard.

Let us know how you are doing.


Lesa, Al and T2

Don't worry about your "negative" thoughts, Lesa. They're par for the course in the jungles of time and space. Change them when you can, but when they overrun you, let them run. Because no matter how persistent they are, you can always spend just 5 minutes a day, in a quiet place, doing your best to imagine your dreams as if they've already come true; seeing yourself happy, laughing, smiling from ear to ear. This will be enough, it's always enough, even if while you're imagining, the negative thoughts creep in. After 5 minutes, leave it alone.
You're in time and space for one reason: to thrive. There's no 50/50 about it.
You are OF the Creator, BY the Creator, and now a Creator yourself, alive on a stage YOU designed for your own adventures. You were not an afterthought and you didn't design it to just eek by. All of the elements are beholden to you; you summoned them, you dreamed them into place, and now they conspire endlessly in your favour. "On a dime" your life can improve for the better with the slightest effort on your part, no matter how insurmountable the odds, nor how futile your thoughts and deeds may seem. You are "the prodigal child." In a heartbeat you're welcomed back into the fold. In an instant you can be carried along by life's current once you stop struggling against it. And for all of these reasons, and more, it's therefore as if your positive thoughts are 10,000 times more powerful than your negative thoughts. 10,000 times more in alignment with the magnificent tidal wave of energy that you are. 10,000 times more likely to become the things you want than the things you don't want, when you know these truths and you act on them.
Yeah, coolness
  The Universe

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